The 8 Critical Skills For Church Leaders Today
In an ever-evolving and complex world, church leaders face unique challenges demanding diverse skill sets. While spiritual guidance remains paramount, effective leadership in today's context requires proficiency in various areas beyond traditional pastoral duties. Here are eight critical skills essential for church leaders navigating the complexities of modern society:
Twelve Avoidable Mistakes Church Consultants Make
Church consultants are crucial in helping religious organisations navigate challenges in health issues and grow. However, like any profession, church consultants can make common mistakes. Understanding these mistakes is essential to improving their effectiveness and the outcomes they deliver. This article will explore the 12 mistakes that church consultants should avoid.
Created To Multiply (Part 2)
To successfully multiply churches, there are two vital things that a church should pay attention to. These are the business of disciple-making and the business of planting churches. These two form the foundation of every multiplying church. Disciple Making A church that intends to multiply should focus on making disciples who leave the church and spread out into various communities to begin their personal movement of stimulating multiplication. It is for this reason that it is said that pastors of multiplying churches die to self.
Created To Multiply (Part 1)
How do you know if what you are doing as a church leader is actually growing God’s kingdom? Is it enough to simply have a large number of people attending your church or do you also have to go out to far places and thus have a multiplying effect? The answer is seen in Genesis 1:28 where God commanded us to be fruitful and multiply. It is also seen in the great commission where Jesus charged His followers to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28: 18 –20).
Improving Your Church’s Retention Strategy
Numbers matter and the church is no exception to this. The reason for this is simple: we are to make disciples by being fruitful, and a fruitful church increases in size and capacity both in quality and quantity. A church’s congregation size should not be stagnant or plateaued, neither should it be in decline.
The Kingdom’s Scorecard – Is Your Church Really Successful Or Faithful?
Over the years, many churches and their leaders have come to place emphasis on the number of people in their congregation or their seating capacity as well as the size of offerings taken as the main proof of how successful they are in the ministry that God has called them to. This one factor is used as the only basis upon which the success of a church or Christian ministry is measured.
Solutions To Major Gaps In Church Management
Our world today is in dire need of healthy churches with healthy leaders who operate with trending mindsets and fresh perspectives. I believe the healthier churches we have, the better our communities at large will be.
What Did You Plant?
No one can give the record of how many local churches that have been planted so far but we need more churches for the ever-increasing growth in our communities. A little story here and I am sure you would learn from it. When I was very young, my mother loved flowers even up till now and because of that, she planted a lot of flowers at home.
6 Ways To Improve Your Church’s Retention Strategy
Numbers matter and the church is no exception to this. The reason for this is simple: we are to make disciples by being fruitful, and a fruitful church increases in size and capacity. A church’s congregation size should not be stagnant or Plateaued, neither should it be in decline. Low retention rate is a major problem that many churches struggle with. We have found out that many churches have faulty or no retention strategy in place.